
How to make my ricotta pasta with sundried tomatoes

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Step into a world of culinary delight as we unveil a pasta creation that’s guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds: ricotta pasta with sundried tomatoes.

Picture this: al dente pasta enveloped in a luxurious, velvety sauce boasting the richness of creamy ricotta and the vibrant tang of sundried tomatoes. It’s a match made in foodie heaven!

But wait, it’s not just about the flavors; it’s about the experience: each bite is a harmonious blend of creamy indulgence and sun-kissed sweetness. It’s comfort food with a gourmet twist, a dish that satisfies both your cravings and your desire for culinary sophistication.

And let’s not forget the visual appeal! The vibrant colors of the sundried tomatoes contrasted against the creamy backdrop of the ricotta sauce create a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply treating yourself to a solo culinary adventure, this Creamy Ricotta Pasta with Sundried Tomatoes is sure to impress. So, grab your apron, get ready to twirl, and let’s dive into a bowlful of pasta perfection! Get ready to elevate your pasta game and embark on a flavor-packed journey that’s as delightful to cook as it is to eat.

This may be one of the easiest pasta dish you’ll ever make. It’s delicios, easy, fast to make and even faster to eat! You can make it all year long, it will always be a crowd pleaser.

Another easy pasta recipe I love, not difficult to make, is here: Spinach and ricotta fagottini

If you like something with an asian twist, try these chicken dumplings


tomato sauce

150 g sundried tomatoes

1 medium onion

3 tbs extravirgin olive oil

50 ml dry white wine

parsley and basil to taste

a pinch of salt

ricotta sauce

400 g pasta of choice

200 g ricotta

2tbs extravirgin olive oil

60 g Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

some cooking water of the pasta (3-4 tbs)


Chop the onion and put it in a pan to brown with the oil and a pinch of salt. Add the chopped tomatoes, cook for a minute and deglaze with the wine. When the alcohol evaporated, turn off the heat and add the chopped parsley and basil. Remove about half of the tomatoes from the pot and set aside.


Cook the pasta in abundant boiling and salted water.

Add the ricotta to the pan where part of the tomato sauce is, along with some of the Parmesan and a little pasta cooking water, just enough to create a cream. Once the pasta is cooked, dip it in the ricotta cream and toss well. Serve in plates, adding the reserved tomato sauce here and there and more fresh basil.



150 g di pomodori secchi sott’olio
1 cipolla media
3 c. di olio extravergine
1⁄2 bicchiere di vino bianco secco per sfumare
Prezzemolo a piacere
Basilico a piacere
1 presa di sale
400 g di pasta corta
200 g di ricotta vaccina
2 c. di olio extravergine
60 g di parmigiano grattugiato
Poca acqua di cottura della pasta

Tritare la cipolla e metterla in una padella ad imbiondire con l’olio ed il sale. Aggiungere i pomodori tritati, cuocere per un minuto e sfumare col vino. Quando l’alcool sarà evaporato, mettere basilico e
prezzemolo tritati e spegnere il fuoco. Regolare di sale se serve.
Togliere circa metà dei pomodori dalla pentola e tenere da parte.
Portare a cottura la pasta in abbondante acqua salata.
Aggiungere la ricotta nella pentola in cui è rimasta parte del sugo di pomodori, una parte del parmigiano e poca acqua di cottura della pasta, quel tanto che serve per creare una crema.
Una volta cotta la pasta, tuffarla nella crema di ricotta ed insaporire.
Servire nei piatti, aggiungere qui e là qualche cucchiaino del sugo di pomodori tenuto da parte.

Finire con altro basilico tritato fresco, il rimanente parmigiano ed un giro di olio a crudo.


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Pubblicato: 18 Marzo 2024


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